
Aluminum Blinds

本文摘要:SEOUL, South Korea — Top video game players in South Korea are household names. Millions of people tune in to watch game competitions on television. The largest Internet portal, Naver, has its own section covering the results.韩国釜山——最篮的电子游戏


SEOUL, South Korea — Top video game players in South Korea are household names. Millions of people tune in to watch game competitions on television. The largest Internet portal, Naver, has its own section covering the results.韩国釜山——最篮的电子游戏玩家,在韩国是家喻户晓的人物。数百万人会在电视上观赏游戏比赛。仅次于的门户网站Naver还不会专门修筑栏目报导比赛结果。

Competitive video gaming is now taking off in places like the United States, attracting thousands of people to major events. But in South Korea, more than anywhere else, it has already oozed into mainstream culture. Couples going to game clubs is about as common as couples going to the movies.竞技电子游戏目前在美国等地区刚流行起来,可以更有数以千计的玩家参与大型比赛。然而韩国比其他国家更加颇,它早已渗入入了主流文化。情侣一起去游戏俱乐部,与一起去电影院一样少见。Time and again, South Korea has provided glimpses of technology-related transformations before they expand globally, including widespread broadband availability and smartphone adoption. The country has also led in professional video game competitions, often called e-sports, creating organized leagues, training well-financed professional teams and filling giant stadiums with frenzied fans to cheer on their favorite players.与科技涉及的改变再行在韩国经常出现,之后再行蔓延到全球的现象再次发生了一次又一次,还包括宽带网络的普遍普及和智能手机的应用于。

在经常被称作“电子体育”(e-sports)的电子游戏职业竞技领域,韩国也正处于领先地位,有的组织的竞技联盟应运而生,还训练了资金充足的职业队伍,疯狂的游戏迷围观极大的体育场,为他们青睐的运动员掌声。Such excitement was on display in Seoul on Sunday, when more than 40,000 fans filled the outdoor soccer stadium used for the 2002 World Cup semifinal to watch the world championship for League of Legends, one of the worlds most popular games. On stage, two teams of five players sat in front of computers wielding mouse and keyboard to control fantastical characters in a campaign to destroy the opposing teams base. Three huge screens displayed the action.周日,这种激动人心的场面在釜山获得了展现出。多达四万名游戏迷满座了曾多次举行过2002年世界杯半决赛的室外足球场,观赏《英雄联盟》(League of Legends)世界锦标赛,这是世界上最热门的游戏之一。台上的两队玩家躺在电脑前,通过鼠标和键盘操纵虚拟世界人物登陆作战,毁坏对方的大本营。

每一队都有五名队员。现场有三个巨型的屏幕显示比赛的战况。The clear favorite of the raucous crowd was Samsung White, a team of Koreans that tore through the playoffs. The throng of fans erupted early on, when a Samsung White player wielded a spear to kill a player from the Star Horn Royal Club, a team of three Chinese players and two Koreans. Samsung White went on to win the championship and $1 million in prize money.嘈杂的观众最喜欢的似乎是三星White队,这支韩国战队在季后赛中一路过关斩将。

三星White队的一名运动员手持长矛要杀掉皇族电子竞技俱乐部(Star Horn Royal Club)的一名玩家时,一大群游戏迷早早地就掌声了一起。皇族战队由三名中国运动员和两名韩国运动员构成。三星White队最后夺得比赛的冠军,并取得了100万美元(约合612万元人民币)的奖金。Pro gaming exists in its current form and size in large part thanks to the people who made it possible in South Korea, said Manuel Schenkhuizen, a Dutch pro gamer. Other countries took years to catch up and are to this date trying to mimic some of their successes.“职业游戏竞技需要超过现有的形式和规模,在相当大程度上得益于韩国人,他们让这沦为有可能,”荷兰职业玩家曼纽尔·斯亨克黑曾(Manuel Schenkhuizen)说道。

“其他国家花上了数年时间追上,到现在,也仍然在希望仿效他们的一些顺利模式。”The prowess of the countrys e-sports players is a point of national pride. Recently there has even been hand-wringing about Samsung Whites not winning dominantly enough in an earlier round of the championship tournament, when it lost one of four games to Team SoloMid, a North American team.韩国电子体育选手技艺高超,举国为之自豪。

最近,三星White队未能以压倒性的优势在较早于的一轮比赛中取得胜利,而是赢了四场比赛中的一场,令其韩国玩家扼腕叹息。那一场比赛中取得胜利的是来自北美的Team SoloMid队。Last week, people at one of the many Internet cafes here, known as a PC bang, debated how the League of Legends tournament would conclude. One ninth grader, Han Song-wook, said he had followed the rise of Samsung White for two years, in part because of the teams aggressive play and creative, bold moves.釜山有很多网吧,上周在其中一家网吧里,玩家都在辩论英雄联盟锦标赛不会经常出现什么结果。

初三学生韩颂旭(Han Song-wook,音译)回应,他过去两年仍然跟随三星White队,看著他们渐渐兴起,部分原因是该队踢法大力强硬态度,行动大胆,有创造力。Even back then I saw they had potential, he said. Their moves were great.“当时我就实在他们有潜力,”他说道。

“他们的行动太棒了。”Though gamers and industry insiders have different theories about how e-sports became so popular in South Korea, nearly all versions start in the late 1990s.虽然游戏玩家和业内人士对电子体育在韩国如此热门的发展历程有有所不同的观点,但是完全所有人都回应,电子体育始自上世纪90年代末期。

At the time, in response to the Asian financial crisis, the South Korean government focused on telecommunications and Internet infrastructure. By 2000, a vibrant community of gamers emerged, largely thanks to PC bangs that used the new connections. The clubs acted as a sort of neighborhood basketball court where gamers could test their skills.当时,为了应付亚洲金融危机,韩国政府开始侧重发展电信及互联网基础设施。到2000年的时候,经常出现了一个活跃的游戏玩家群体,这在相当大程度上得益于依赖新的网络连接产生的网吧。网吧就看起来社区中的篮球场,每个玩家可以在那里一试身手。

The government also became involved, creating the Korean E-Sports Association to manage e-sports. Cheap television stations took off as well, a result of the new infrastructure, and it was only natural that one, then more, would focus on e-sports.政府也参予其中,正式成立了韩国电子竞技协会(Korean E-Sports Association,全称KeSPA),负责管理电子竞技体育的管理工作。随着新的基础设施的竣工,运营成本便宜的电视台也开始流行起来。自然而然地,更加的电视台开始注目电子体育。


About a decade ago, companies began to see the promise in sponsoring e-sports stars. Before long the companies, like Samsung, the giant technology company, and CJ Games, one of Koreas most successful game developers, were sponsoring teams that lived in communal houses and trained 12 hours a day.约十年前,企业看见了资助电子体育明星的前景。旋即之后,技术巨头三星,以及韩国最顺利的游戏开发商CJ Games等公司,开始为一些战队获取资助,他们过着集体生活,每天训练12个小时。

That professionalism has spread outside Korea, with sponsors putting together training houses for gamers in recent years in the West. Still, few players take the games as seriously as those in South Korea.这种专业化的趋势不断扩大到了韩国之外,最近几年,西方国家也有赞助开始出资创建游戏玩家培训机构。不过,完全没有人像韩国玩家那样,把电子游戏看得那么严肃。In part that may be because of the perks of stardom that surround top players here. One of the players on CJ Entus, a team sponsored by CJ Games that came in second in the League of Legends world championship in 2012, recalled how a female fan followed him to competitions for two years taking photos. She ultimately sent him an album of all the shots she had taken.其中的一个原因,有可能是顶级玩家在韩国享有的明星光环。

CJ Entus是由CJ Games赞助商的战队,在2012年的英雄联盟世锦赛上获得了第二名。CJ Entus的一名玩家回忆说,一名女粉丝曾倒数两年跟随他的比赛,为他照片。她最后送来了他一本Blogger,里面是她摄制的所有照片。That was nice, said the blushing player, who goes by the on-screen handle Shy.“那感觉很好,”这名玩家红着脸说。

他的网名叫作“Shy”(“喜欢”)。Still, the life of an e-sports star is not all glamour. Players must practice relentlessly, spending their days in front of a screen. While the coach of CJ Entus, Kang Hyun-jong, said he tried to encourage players to enjoy themselves, the real goal was clear.不过,“电子体育”明星的生活也不总是那么性刺激。玩家们必需日复一日地躺在屏幕前,坚持不懈地锻炼。

CJ Entus的教练康铉中(Kang Hyun-jong,音译)说道,他企图希望玩家去享用自己,但确实的目标十分确切。The best way for players to enjoy themselves is to know how to win, he said.“玩家乐在其中的最差办法,就是告诉如何获得胜利,”他说道。But the monomania of gamers here has also led to concerns about addiction and the potential harm caused by spending too much time playing games. Occasionally, news articles report on a gamers dying of exhaustion in a PC bang after playing for days without rest. A law requires the clubs to force children under 18 to leave after 10 p.m.但韩国游戏玩家的疯狂也引起了关于网瘾以及长年玩游戏的潜在危害的忧虑。

游戏玩家为了玩游戏数日一触即发造成心脏病发的报导不时会经常出现在媒体上。韩国的法律规定,晚上10点后,俱乐部必需拒绝18岁以下的青少年离开了。Jun Byung-hun, a South Korean National Assembly member and the head of the countrys e-sports governance body, KeSPA, said there was still a lot of ignorance from older generations about video gaming. He had pushed for moderation in the drive to regulate gaming.韩国国会议员、KeSPA会长田炳宪(Jun Byung-hun)说道,年龄较小的人依然对电子游戏极为缺少理解。

在对游戏行业展开监管的过程中,他特别强调介入要有助于。In Korea, games are the barometer of the generation gap, he said in an interview. Parents view games as distractions from studying, he said, while children see them as an important part of their social existence. Mr. Jun is promoting new educational guidelines that encourage schools to warn students about addiction, while also helping parents better understand gaming.“在韩国,游戏是代沟的缩影,”他拒绝接受专访时说。家长们指出游戏集中了孩子自学的精力,他说道,而孩子们则将游戏看作社交不存在的最重要部分。

田炳宪正在推展新的教育指导方针,让学校警告学生不要着迷于游戏,同时协助家长们更佳地理解游戏。The best way to avoid addiction is for families to play games together, he said.“防止游戏上瘾的最差方法,就是全家一起玩游戏,”他说道。



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