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本文摘要:Google and Samsung sought to stake out their claims to dominate the market for software that powers internet-connected television at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las和三星(Samsung)在拉斯维加斯举办的年度消费电子展(Consumer Electron


Google and Samsung sought to stake out their claims to dominate the market for software that powers internet-connected television at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las和三星(Samsung)在拉斯维加斯举办的年度消费电子展(Consumer Electronics Show)上进行对决,谋求支配联网电视机的软件市场。The duelling announcements intensified a tech rivalry as the “internet of things” picked apart the close partnership that the two companies have used to rule the smartphone market.具有对决意味的宣告激化了科技巨擘之间的一场角力,“物联网”抛弃了两家公司合力统治者智能手机市场的紧密合作伙伴关系。

The US technology group announced that Android TV, its latest attempt to break into smart TV software after the flop of its initial Google TV technology, would be shipped on sets made by three manufacturers this year — Sony, Sharp and TP Vision, the former TV division of Philips. Reinforcing its deepening alliance with Google in living-room technology, Sony also said it would sell speakers embedded with Google Cast, enabling users to stream music direct to speakers. Google’s Cast technology was developed to stream video to TVs, but the company announced partnerships this week to extend it to music, rivalling Apple’s Airplay technology.美国技术巨头谷歌宣告,Android TV将配备在3家制造商——索尼(Sony)、夏普(Sharp)和TP Vision(原飞利浦(Philips)电视部门)——今年生产的互联网电视上。在最初的Google TV技术告终后,Android TV沦为谷歌转入智能电视软件行业的近期一次尝试。索尼正在强化与谷歌在起居室技术上的联盟关系,该公司还回应,将出售配备Google Cast的音箱,让用户将音乐以流播形式必要传输至音箱。

谷歌Cast技术的研发目的本来是将视频发送到电视上,但该公司本周宣告了几项合作计划,将其拓展至音乐,与苹果(Apple)的Airplay技术进行竞争。Meanwhile, Samsung highlighted plans to put its Tizen operating system on all of the internet-connected TVs it makes this year. The software was developed for smartphones as a way to reduce Samsung’s reliance on Google’s Android operating system, but has yet to make a mark in the handset business.同时,三星重点讲解了将在今年生产的所有联网电视上配备Tizen操作系统的计划。

该软件原为智能手机研发,以此减少三星对谷歌Android操作系统的倚赖,但至今没能在手机业务上关上局面。Instead, it has been included in other connected devices, including a version of Samsung’s Gear smartwatch. But including Tizen in smart TVs marks its first use in a mass-market device.忽略,Tizen早已在其他相连设备上应用于,其中还包括三星智能手表Gear的其中一款。但是,Tizen应用于智能电视,标志着该软件首次用作大众市场设备。

Compared with the smartphone world, which is dominated by Google and Apple, the nascent market for software for smart TVs has already become fragmented. LG, Samsung’s South Korean rival, laid out plans at CES to focus on its smart TV software, the WebOS operating system it acquired from Hewlett-Packard in 2013.与谷歌和苹果支配智能手机世界比起,为智能电视而设计的软件的新生市场早已呈现出割据一方的格局。LG是三星的韩国竞争对手,其在消费电子展上宣告了将专心研发其智能电视软件WebOS操作系统的计划,该系统是2013年LG从惠普(Hewlett-Packard)并购的。Samsung accounts for about a quarter of annual smart TV sales, according to Strategy Analytics, compared with the roughly 15 per cent market shares of LG and Sony.据Strategy Analytics的数据,三星占到智能电视年销量约四分之一,而LG和索尼的市场份额大体为15%。



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